I Can Relate
Were these words ever spoken to you? Every time I talk to my
friends about my personal problems when I was younger, they always tell me
those words. “I can relate” That short sentence had always given me comfort
when I opened up to them. It’s an assurance that my friends were also
experiencing the things I was going through.
“My mom got furious about my grades in Algebra. She’s
cutting the DSL, can’t go online for a week”
“Hey man, I can relate. I flunked in English. My dad
confiscated my PS2. Can’t play my Final Fantasy 10 ”
I have more grown up problems now but whenever I heard
someone who went through the same things I did, I felt comforted. It creates an
atmosphere of openness and I would always tell them what I felt and the same
goes for them. We would talk about the same problems and we will help each
other out. It was practicing accountability.
When you’re trying to quit at something like drinking alcohol, you’ll need an
accountability partner who’s going through the same thing. You will help each
other out just by being open with your struggles. You're there for one another looking out for each other’s back.
I’m sure you’ve experienced this. We are all blessed with
friends and family who are all ears to you. The comfort we get from them is one
of the best things that life can offer us. Here’s an amazing truth, Jesus says the
exact same words to us.
“I can relate”
Jesus is also 100% human. He didn’t start doing His public ministry
until He reached 30 which means He had 30 years to experience humanity. He must've spent a lot time with friends and family bringing joy to the dining table. He had His own line of work and He dealt with customers and suppliers. He may also have given relationship advice to His brothers or close friends. He experienced temptations and we know about this because the Bible recorded that Satan literally tempted Him after fasting for 40 days in the desert and through His Word; He showed perfectly how to overcome them. He faced pain and suffering until He faced His death on the cross. We know that He had 33 years to live physically on earth to relate to us and most especially, to save all of us.
Jesus has authentic sympathy towards us because He understands our weaknesses. He is the best at relationships and He can
relate to our pains and trials too. He will give us a way out to every temptation since He also has experienced being tempted. He will always shed light to us and will show us the way, the Jesus way.
Hebrews 4:15
This High Priest of ours understands our weaknesses, for he faced all of the same testings we do, yet he did not sin.
This High Priest of ours understands our weaknesses, for he faced all of the same testings we do, yet he did not sin.
"I can relate"
Do you keep this in mind when you pray? We have an authentic God :)
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