Love Is Not Blind
Before, when I go to malls with my friends and see a spectacular woman then see that she’s with a guy who cannot be labeled as spectacular, we’d usually say “Bro! love is blind!” and laugh out loud. It’s wrong for us to judge and I know we should never make fun of couples. Is there such thing as love is blind? Well for me it’s not. The couple explained earlier was an example of falling in love with the real person inside and not just with mere appearance. But I do believe this; some are blinded because of what they think love is. Here are list of examples that I witnessed in people: When you’re in a relationship and your network of friends become smaller because your mentality is the “YOU AND ME ONLY” mentality. I know couples that would strictly not allow one another to hang out with other friends because they’re jealous of one of the guys or girls. Then the network would be smaller and at the end you’ll be alone. I have a classmate and we were having an exam. I asked him...