
Showing posts from May, 2012

Love Is Not Blind

Before, when I go to malls with my friends and see a spectacular woman then see that she’s with a guy who cannot be labeled as spectacular, we’d usually say “Bro! love is blind!” and laugh out loud. It’s wrong for us to judge and I know we should never make fun of couples. Is there such thing as love is blind? Well for me it’s not. The couple explained earlier was an example of falling in love with the real person inside and not just with mere appearance. But I do believe this; some are blinded because of what they think love is. Here are list of examples that I witnessed in people: When you’re in a relationship and your network of friends become smaller because your mentality is the “YOU AND ME ONLY” mentality. I know couples that would strictly not allow one another to hang out with other friends because they’re jealous of one of the guys or girls. Then the network would be smaller and at the end you’ll be alone. I have a classmate and we were having an exam. I asked him...

Happy New You!

NEW YEAR's RESOLUTIONS Let’s talk about New Year resolutions.  People always make RESOLUTIONS every new New Year symbolizing their desire to be better, to change, or to break a habit. One famous resolution I know is the “I WILL LOSE WEIGHT” resolution. We think of exercising, dieting, eating healthy... BUT somehow we forget or lose determination after a week, don't we? HOW WAS YOUR 2011? Raise your hand up if your 2011 was full of challenges and trials! Emotionally, Financially, Spiritually, Mentally, Physically... I’m raising mine. Everyone should -- we've all experienced some kind of difficulty/pain/bitterness/anger/hatred/discouragement during the past year.. These past experiences may be the VERY REASONS why you've come up with your own NEW YEAR's RESOLUTION. Others may have their "DO's and DONT's" list, Others may have their own BUCKET LIST, and  whatever list of things to make 2012 all diffe...

The Solution

"Relationships are PAINFUL, relationships are WONDERFUL.  We all live in the DRAMA that plays out between these two truths" Just take a look at the scenarios I laid out... You might just be able to RELATE...  MONDAY Boy:  Hey baby, I miss you! Girl:  I miss you too! I love you! TUESDAY Girl:  Why weren't you replying? I was waiting for hours! Boy:  I was hanging out with my friends, sorry I didn't notice... Girl:  Damn it! friends friends friends! I don't care! WEDNESDAY Boy:  Good morning gorgeous! I love you! Girl:  Hey baby I love you good morning! Boy:  Have an awesome day love :) THURSDAY Boy:  Who was that guy I saw you with earlier?! Girl:  He's my officemate! Boy:  Looks like he's more than an officemate to you! Girl:  Believe whatever you want to believe! I hate this! ... An hour later... Boy:  Sorry I was overreacting... Girl:  It's okay.. I...


(1) WHY DO PEOPLE GET ADDICTED TO SMOKING? It all starts with one try, "YB" and when we love the feeling, we're convinced that it is a source of SATISFACTION. However, when our level of satisfaction dwindles, we crave for the feeling once again, which causes us to further with the addiction. We tend to depend on it like OXYGEN. Cheers to non smokers! And more cheers to quitters! Why do we seek for things that will give us satisfaction that's merely fleeting, and surely leads to nothingness? What's sad is that even if we know it, WE DO IT. (2) THE SAME CYCLE GOES OUT FOR WEIGHTY THINGS such as drugs, alcohol and sex. These are things that are terribly OVERINDULGENT that once people fall into it, a cycle of search, satisfaction and emptiness is formed. What's more, when an addiction can no longer supply us with the level of satisfaction we yearn for, we move on to our next FLEETING FANCY, not knowing how further damaging it is to us, and to t...