Love Is Not Blind
Before, when I go to malls with my friends and see a spectacular woman then see that she’s with a guy who cannot be labeled as spectacular, we’d usually say “Bro! love is blind!” and laugh out loud. It’s wrong for us to judge and I know we should never make fun of couples.
Is there such thing as love is blind? Well for me it’s not. The couple explained earlier was an example of falling in love with the real person inside and not just with mere appearance.
But I do believe this; some are blinded because of what they think love is. Here are list of examples that I witnessed in people:
- When you’re in a relationship and your network of friends become smaller because your mentality is the “YOU AND ME ONLY” mentality. I know couples that would strictly not allow one another to hang out with other friends because they’re jealous of one of the guys or girls. Then the network would be smaller and at the end you’ll be alone.
- I have a classmate and we were having an exam. I asked him “Hey bro so you studied for the exam?” and he was like “No man, the girlfriend and I had a fight we were talking all night”
- I know couples that lie to their parents so that they could meet up. They would end up sneaking out for a date.
Anything that causes you to lose priority, disobey parents, be irresponsible and even causes you to SIN is blinding. Let me tell you, a love that is blinding is not love at all. What is true love then?
First of all you should know who the author of love is. Who is it? God is the author of love and in fact God is love itself. The only reason why we could love one another is because God loved us first. We respond by love through God’s love. The more you love God, the more loving you become.
Love doesn’t minimize your network. The reason that you’re together is that you could enlarge your community and belong in one. It’s just like running the race with a partner beside you. Don’t forget that you’re still in the race towards the prize, towards eternity. Together, serve and give more.
“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” Hebrews 10: 24-25
Love doesn’t make you stay up all night and forget priorities. It should build you up and it should motivate you in becoming the person God wants you to be. It’s not about stopping your growth but rather it’s about developing you more. Love is bringing out the best in each other so that you could be the champion God wants you to be.
“I’ll never pull you out of the race, I’ll run beside you no matter what it takes”
Imagine asking God, “What kind of person do you want me to become?” What do you think God’s answer will be? You are God’s child and if you belong to the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, wouldn’t He want the best? He wants the BEST LIFE for you. You should experience God’s Best my friend. You’re given one life and God want’s it to be the BEST for you because He loves you.
Single or with someone, see yourself as God sees you. The only perfect love that will exist is God’s love. Even though I’m a wretch and a sinner, God still want’s the best life for me. He promised everyone abundance in life and that’s true love. Just remember that God’s love is perfect and we love as an outflow from that Amazing Love.
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