How Can I Glorify the Lord this School Year?

Who’s excited to go back to school?! This should be an exciting time for everyone. I can still remember the eagerness, Iooking forward in seeing my buddies again after the long summer vacation. For our new university students, I can still remember my first day! Oh man that was a long time ago but I can vividly remember the feeling of excitement and fear at the same time while I was entering the university the first time. That was a start of a new chapter in my life. New teachers, new friends, new school, everything is new and honestly new can be scary sometimes. Take it from me though, it’s going to be fun! I actually met my wife the during the first day of university, so yeah everything will be fine. Unforgettable memories will start today for you guys. 
No matter how you felt today at school, I hope that you never forget that you are still followers of our Lord Jesus Christ. As full time ambassadors of Christ in our respective schools, this should be the question in our hearts: “How Can I Glorify the Lord this School Year?”
An amazing reminder God has placed in my heart over the weekend is that we can glorify the Lord in anything we do. A missionary who goes to Japan and a janitor who mops the floor can equally give glory to God in their specific work.
“1 Corinthians 10:31 - Whether, then, you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.”
So how can we specifically give God the glory in school? It’s when you do your best and lift everything you do to Christ. For instance, when you live with integrity and honesty, when you don’t compromise your faith, when you don’t join gossips, but rather love people (even the unlovable ones), you glorify God. We are to be set apart from the world and the greatest way for people to see the Lord in you is when they see you happy doing the right things because you choose to obey God.
This school year guys, let’s honor the Lord. Let’s be set apart from the world. Let’s show them how amazing it is when our lives revolve around God.


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