The Race
Hey guys I had another realization and I just want to share it to all of you. Again I'm just sharing my opinion.
We are all different. We have different preferences in life especially with people. You may find that girl living across your street the "DREAM GIRL" material but your brother may disagree and say "Bro, mukha siyang Kokay" If you find a guy "MR. RIGHT" material, your barkada may disagree and say "NO, di kayo bagay" You find that guy perfect for you but your parents may completely disagree, they might say "Di ka kayang buhayin nyan." Well, there are times that your brother, barkada and parents may agree with you but you find out soon that the person you liked/loved didn't turn out to be the BEST for you.
Who's Mr./Ms. RIGHT? WHO DESERVES YOU AT BEST? Here's the answer: I DON'T KNOW. Actually no one really knows and no one can tell. Though if we do think we're with MR/MS. PERFECT ALREADY, we should fight for him or her to make our relationship last a lifetime. Right? That's why we have free will, so that we can choose to fight for people who deserve all of our efforts and all of our love. LOVE IS AND WILL ALWAYS BE A CHOICE.
Though some result in failed relationships because of very big misunderstandings, trust issues and "nagkasawaan." Their relationship is degrading and there's nothing NEW happening. They reach the stage of "comfortable" which there's no place of growth and sadly if the worst happen, your relationship will be a routine. These will result into downfall if YOU don't CHOOSE TO SAVE IT IMMEDIATELY.
Sometimes the problems in your situation are the both of you. You just don't seem to COMPROMISE for one another. You may have a different vision in life and you just can't seem to travel on a common road. Now that's intense.
In a relationship it's very important to journey on a COMMON ROAD. What do I mean? If you're travelling together and YOU choose to go NORTH, you're partner can't go WEST, he or she should also travel NORTH and it should be UNCONDITIONAL. You must have the same perspective in life. Your visions and missions should meet. YOUR GOALS SHOULD BE FOR THE BETTER OF BOTH OF YOU, NOT ONLY FOR YOURSELF. LOVE IS UNSELFISH.
This is also the reason why you should be the BEST first before entering into a relationship so that you're already fulfilled as an individual. When you're with someone, everything you do must be for the BOTH OF YOU.
You should set up your goals as a couple and be ready to COMPROMISE.
That’s why most doctors are married with doctors, because they have the SAME GOAL. A businessman will surely complement another businessman because they have the SAME PERSPECTIVE. A lawyer has a high possibility of ending up with a lawyer because they have the SAME MISSION. Though it’s not like that all the way. Being with someone is not about the OCCUPATION; it’s about the PERSONALITY of the person. A doctor can marry a lawyer if their personality uplifts one another and they easily compromise to travel in the SAME DIRECTION. (I hope some of you are relieved after those last lines)
Relationships are never easy, it's a struggle and it's never perfect. Though if it's with the right person, it should be effortless. It should be real easy to COMPROMISE and LOVE ONE ANOTHER UNCONDITIONALLY.
Here's a story first:
There was a race happening and the prize was Eternal Life. Everyone in the village was required to join the race. There's a guy named Andrew who claimed he's too awesome to run a race. He doubts and he didn't believe in the prize and in result he was just relaxed and he just walked. Everything changed when he saw a girl run towards him. The girl noticed Andrew and she stopped for Him and said "Hi I'm Carla, why are you not running?" Andrew said: "I don't believe in the prize, it's impossible." Carla was surprised, "Hey dummy! The prize is real! And it's on the finish line waiting for you! C'mon get up, let's run this together, side by side" Andrew was *kilig*! Not only Carla was the most beautiful girl he ever saw, Carla motivated him as well! He began to run! He had faith and believed that he could finish the race. Carla saw that Andrew was running and she too got motivated. They were running faster and faster together towards the finish line, motivated to acquire the price.
Life is like a race. We are all in a race and God is in the finish line. Eternal life with Him is the prize. Like Andrew and Carla, we should have faith in Him and be motivated by God so that we could run faster and faster. God will provide you the strength to run the race all He needs is your faith in Him. We are all pursuing God. We should run as fast as we can to reach Him. You won't finish the race if you decide to walk. RUN! RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN.
That person who God willed for you is on his or her way running towards you. As you're running for God, look to your left and to your right, if there's a person running beside you, grab him or her and never let them go. Love him or her unconditionally and run towards the same direction. You'll see each other soon because you know for a fact, that you're both running on the same race, on a COMMON ROAD.
After all, GOD had already planned only THE BEST for all of us. He won't settle for anything less than THE BEST!
If you're in a relationship now, well I'm very happy for you! Be motivated by God and run towards the finish line. Don't walk! RUN! Be the BEST! Bring out the best in each other and strengthen one another all the days of your lives towards Him. God is expecting you together in the finish line ;)
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