Washing Machine

"If you were a washing machine, how will you be happy? “Have you ever thought of that? It's silly but really, if you were a washing machine how will you be happy? The answer is simple. You'd be happy if you wash some clothes. Why? Because that's what you're supposed to do. If you were a washing machine and you tried to make some coffee, you'll end up being stressed out and crazy because that's not what you're designed to do. 

So, how will we be happy? 

As human beings, we'll be happy if we're being humans. We'll be happy if we're doing what were supposed to do. First of all, what are we supposed to do? What's our purpose? Knowing our purpose is very important because it will direct our lives. If a person chooses having fun as his purpose, then he'll be investing most of his time on partying. If I choose getting rich as my purpose, then I'll spend most of my time earning money or doing business, no matter the cost may be. Wealth is certainly not a sin, but using it for wrong motives is. I'm just saying that choosing a purpose is so critical that it will control how we spend most of our time and sometimes our whole lives.

What is our great purpose? What’s one purpose that will give us eternal significance? The purpose that will make us feel we're doing the right thing. A purpose that will surpass having fun, earning material possessions and achievements. It's loving God.

Loving God is what we're supposed to do. If loving God is our ultimate purpose, we'll experience what life is really about. We'll wake up early in the morning and appreciate His wonderful creation outside our windows, rain or shine. We'll have fun with people we love and have our parties in places that still glorify God. We'll earn money to be able to provide, serve and be a blessing to others. We will pursue integrity in school or in the office. If loving God is our purpose, we'll seek Him first and believe that things will happen in His perfect timing. No trials or challenges will break us. Most of all, if loving God is our purpose then we'll invest most of our time in relationships and we'll give high importance to family, friends and others. We'll enjoy loving them and meeting their needs because it's through loving people that we best show our love for God :)


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